Monday, February 16, 2009

Some Casting Result

So last week's topic in my sculpting class was pour in resin in to the little mold I made two weeks ago. Since it was the first mold I ever made, there are few things didn't turn out well. The head mold didn't turn out well, however, the mold for the body turned out to be really well. So here are some pictures:

So here is the pic of the mold filled with resin, with tape wrapped around to keep the mold together from leaking...

And then take the pieces from the mold:

As we can see, the headband for the head didn't get casted properly, but the body turned out really well, except that i cut the leg too short...

So got time to play around with the mold, and somehow ended up with 5 pig heads on my table...




and with 4 bodies...


Note that some of the area didn't get casted well, especially the ears area.

However, one of the head I casted turned out good enough, just few small fix and stuff. So what I'm going to do now is going to fix up the one I'm happy with and make a new mold to fix few air bubble problems. Then hopefully I can start paint them if the casts turned out well with the new mold!


Jcee said...

Nice results! This is very interesting, I really want to try this out myself too. Do you have any pics of the mold negative?

Where can I get the mixture for the resin?

Yamisword said...

You mean inside the mold? Right now no because I can't really take a pic of the mold without breaking it... For the resin, is the same band as the material for the mold, called Smooth-on. They have variety types of resins, so you might have to do some research on your own to figure out what type fits you the best.