Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Studio Study Progress

Here is another update of what I've been doing in the studio lately:

- Been practicing sculpting the human head in small style, did around 5 total, each one took me about an hour to complete, then realized that I'm having a horrible time sculpting the eye and nose part because I'm not familiar with the structure. Here is a picture of my second try on the head:



(yes.... I know is a very ugly looking old young man...)

Then went back and did few studies on facial features... First the eye (Did the mouth before, see previous post):


Then the nose:



And made a mold for the eye today, this mold is done in a different way:

Think the mold will be done by Friday. Now what's left is the ear, then I think I will be doing a bust in august to see how far I've come to.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My Work Station

So after five days of waiting, finally got myself a new PC. Spent most of the weekend setting up the new PC, as well as rearrange my work room now so that I can move in my new PC. So this is how it turned out:



Like the fact that PC is one side and work station is on the other. Very convenient for me now because I don't have to run between my work room and PC. While was cleaning up my work stable, realized that Rage Tube isn't too happy about the fact that I haven't finish him for almost two months now...


Now, I think my table will be messy again by end of the week.

This is what I was sculpting right before my old PC crashed on me:


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Miniature Tokyo

While waiting for my new desktop to arrive, decided to take over my parent's computer for a while when they are not using it...

So came across to this video on youtube today, thought would like to share:

Miniature Tokyo, is just totally blow me a way... The entire film is done by taking photos and edit it through photoshop... simply amazing.
Few more:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sigh There Goes Everything

Well, finally my desktop is giving up on me. Hard drive crashed because it is too old... Now I really need a new computer, and just lost all the pictures I took before for my work... Sigh

Two hard drive crash in 3 months, lost everything you had twice.... not cool

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More Skull Studies

Been spending most of the time on skull studies in the last two weeks. The latest one is close to a life size skull. Still having trouble sculpting the mouth part, but improved alot on the over all proportion of the figure.

Here are the pics:

And a smaller Skull:

And here is the comparison pic: